
Dental Crowns

Open Since 1996  |  Family-Owned Practice  |  Se Habla Español

Open Since 1996
Family-Owned Practice
Se Habla Español

Protect Any Damaged Teeth

Dental crowns are a great solution to protect and repair a damaged, cracked or decaying tooth. At John "Trey" Massingill DDS, we'll help you determine the perfect crown that fits your tooth, your preferences and your budget.

Many Options for Your Crowns

Crowns can be made of porcelain, porcelain fused to metal or even a full gold crown. They can be shaded to match your other teeth with a natural feel and look. When the process is complete, your crown will be indistinguishable from your natural teeth.

A Dental Solution That's Built to Last

The process of crown placement will take two to three visits before it's done. However, your crowns will last between 10-15 years. You can take care of the crown just like any other tooth with regular brushing and flossing.

To find out if a crown is right for your needs, contact our office to schedule an appointment.

Most insurance is accepted
by our practice.
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