Bonding and White Fillings

Tooth Bonding and White Fillings

Open Since 1996  |  Family-Owned Practice  |  Se Habla Español

Open Since 1996
Family-Owned Practice
Se Habla Español

Enhance the Appearance of Your Smile

Improve the overall look of your smile thanks to tooth bonding with white, composite fillings from John "Trey" Massingill DDS. Bonding your teeth with natural-looking fillings is a great way to correct any gaps in your teeth or fill in damage after a cavity has been removed. It is also the perfect option when you wish to cover up any stains or discoloration.

A Long-Lasting Solution

Bonded fillings are safe, affordable and can last up to 10 years before needing to be replaced. To find out if these white fillings are right for you, schedule an appointment with John "Trey" Massingill DDS. We're open Monday through Thursday.
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John "Trey" Massingill DDS has served patients in Houston since 1996.
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